Tag Archives: SPAN

“Once your awareness is raised, doing nothing is not an option”.

Picking up on a phrase from Jenny Bright in the last post, it has seemed that almost everyone I have spoken with recently has described the point at which they learned about parent abuse as an epiphany. It was, after all, the reason I have given for setting up this site. Each of us responds to that experience in our own way, whether by further study, setting up local provision, or even running a blog; but many describe the need to “raise awareness”. It got me wondering what we actually mean by that phrase. Continue reading

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Bristol support service for abused parents

I was very excited to read about a new parent abuse support project established in Bristol in April, as I know this has been on the cards for nearly a year since Judy Nixon went to speak at a conference there and inspired practitioners to take this forward.

The 13 week programme is designed for parents with children of secondary school age, is being run by the Single Person Action Network (SPAN) with Wish for a Brighter Future, and is funded through Bristol City Council and Children in Need. Parents are offered work to enable them to stay safe and to understand the underlying reasons for their child’s behaviour. There is a recognition that parents do not necessarily want to involve the police or courts, because of the consequences for their children.

Wish has run one-to-one support for parents who are victims of violence from their children since January and has received more than 100 referrals so far, amply demonstrating the need for such a service. It is tragic to realise there are so many parents suffering abusive behaviour from their children, and without adequate support up to now.

More details and contact numbers are available here.


Filed under projects