CAPVA Briefing Papers free to download

I am absolutely delighted to finally launch a series of Briefing Papers on the topic of child and adolescent to parent violence and abuse (CAPVA), which I have had in mind to create for over 5 years, and which Vicky Baker has now most wonderfully helped to bring to realisation over the last few months!

Briefing Papers 1, 2 and 3 (front pages only)

The idea grew from an increasing number of calls to discuss a range of particular angles on child and adolescent to parent violence and abuse, but which inevitably began with a half hour spent explaining what we were talking about before getting down to the meat of the conversation. It was clear that there was a space for a succinct overview of the main issues to do with CAPVA in a way that could be digested in a short space of time, and that would be equally helpful for anyone coming to this issue fresh – whether as a practitioner, a commissioner, a journalist, or indeed as a politician.

Working together with the benefit of having recently completed the rapid literature review for the Domestic Abuse Commissioner, with a wealth of knowledge from Vicky’s PhD studies, and with the background of many years listening to people about their experience and work, we have written 3 separate papers, each with three pages, explaining in turn what we mean by the term child and adolescent to parent violence and abuse, why it happens, and what can be done to support families

The finished 3 papers are free* to download, and we hope that you will feel able to share them widely with colleagues and even to use them in your own work as the need arises.

Inevitably, with a topic about which we continue to learn on a daily basis, they will need updating as ideas evolve and understanding develops, and so you are encouraged to offer comments and feedback. Let us know if they have been useful, how they were used, what else would have been good – bearing in mind that if they get much larger they will cease to be briefing sheets and will be a book instead!

A massive thank you to Vicky for all the work she put in to these. They honestly would never have happened without her.

Download Briefing Paper 1: What’s the Problem? here

Download Briefing Paper 2: Why does CAPVA happen? here

Download Briefing Paper 3: So what can we do? here

* Some people have suggested we should be charging for these. We have decided to keep them entirely free to download and we hope many people will do so. However, if you would prefer to make a monetary contribution, then please feel free to donate to a local charity supporting families suffering any type of abuse.


Filed under Announcements, publications

2 responses to “CAPVA Briefing Papers free to download

  1. Kate Warne

    I am at a loss for words, these so succintly and articulatly explain so much pain inside me that I have struggled to verbalise.
    They have made me cry – in a positive way, as I feel so understood. This is the first time I have seen descriptions that may actually help my daughter, rather than shaming her and infuriating her more. Thank you so much. Now the task of getting them out, read and acknowledged by those responsible for support.

    • Kate, thank you for taking the time to comment as you have. I have let Vicky know how helpful you found them and I know that she will be profoundly moved by your words. We are so pleased to have “got it right” and hope that they will indeed be useful going forward.

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